Deliverance Information

We understand making the decision to confront the things that have come against you for years is huge.

This is step one of freedom!

Schedule Your Deliverance Today

We are praying for you as you journey into freedom. We understand because we have been there. Sometimes, it seems as if the battles, fighting, nightmares, and pain may never end. Let us reassure you that Jesus is faithful, and these things will end. We have averaged between 60 and 80 deliverances every month for a while now. We are a house that understands deliverance as well as the great need for deliverance. 

Step 1: Fill out the form below

Step 2: After clicking “Submit” follow the steps to download the Intake Form

Step 3: Fill out the Intake Form

Step 4: Email Hope to be added to the waiting list

After clicking Submit you will be redirected to a page to download the intake form. It will look like a checkout page, but the form is free. After completing the checkout a button that says “download” will appear.